The premise of the series revolves around the daily lives of different couples of all ages from 20 to 65, but who are not connected to each other. Each couple has their own space where they live, while the story of each couple in each episode is not connected to the stories of the other couples....
A man with three sons and a woman with two daughters fall in love and decide to live together as a family....
"Mom's Cake", the main axis is mom's family tables, where guests are of different ages, moods and beliefs, gather to come closer, to meet, to remember, to smile, but also to quarrel and to disagree....
The premise of the series revolves around the daily lives of different couples of all ages from 20 to 65, but who are not connected to each other. Each couple has their own space where they live, while the story of each couple in each episode is not connected to the stories of the other couples....
Spiros is one of the many new migrants from Greece who seek a better life in Australia. But as he soon realizes, new dreams come at a great cost....
Alexander Philipopoulos, a famous journalist in a French political magazine, is returning to his birthplace in northern Greece, looking for the truth about his father Lazarus, who lived as political emigrant in the neighboring country of Macedonia....
The extramarital adventures of a female volleyball team coach, a best friend and a buddy who fall in love at the same woman a hopelessly mismatched relationship and a marriage of disaster entangled in the most unpredictable way....
The death of a prominent citizen reveals the corruption that festers behind closed doors on a seemingly beautiful serene Greek island of Sifnos....
The story of Greek businessmen Pavlos and Thanasis Giannakopoulos and their impact on Panathinaikos basketball club...