Boonie Bears is a Chinese All-CGI Cartoon produced by Fantawild Animation and starring two bears, Briar and Bramble, who continuously try to stop Logger Vick from cutting down trees in their forest. Vick constantly tries to carry out his job as a woodcutter, only to be hilariously outwitted by the bears....
A strange yet familiar creature turns up, prompting a flooding of Bramble Bear's youthful memories. The forest descends into turmoil when a group of strangers arrive, on the hunt for the mysterious creature....
With Spring Festival just around the corner, logger Vick learns that he has just been laid off for the holiday season. Trying to get another job, he finally gets employed as a Forest Ranger. At first, the Boonie Bears distrust Vick, but when a giant Super Chopping Robot arrives to log the entire forest, the animal gang must learn to trust their one-time enemy and work together to defend the forest!...
Frustrated with his pals, Briar joins a traveling circus, where new friends and fame keep the homesickness away... for a while....
The lives of the bear bothers change dramatically when a little girl finds herself in the forest and they must fight bad guys to bring her to safety....
Briar Bear, Bramble Bear & friends enjoy life in the woods when Logger Vick begins chopping down trees to get money to go home for the holidays. As Logger Vick is homesick, they hatch a plan to get Vick home in time for the holidays....