Love Your Garden is a British lifestyle gardening programme that was first broadcast on ITV on 10 June 2011. The show is hosted by Alan Titchmarsh alongside co-presenters David Domoney, Katie Rushworth and Frances Tophill and sees the team visit locations around the UK helping people to transform their gardens. The first series saw Alan visiting themed gardens around the UK, specific to the topic of the episode, and advising viewers on how to transform their gardens. However, since the second s...
Gardeners' World is a long-running BBC Television programme about gardening, first broadcast in 1968 and still running as of 2013. Its first episode was presented by Ken Burras and came from Oxford Botanical Gardens. The magazine BBC Gardeners' World is a tie-in to the programme. Most of its episodes have been 30 minutes in length, although there are many specials that last longer. The 2008 and 2009 series used a 60-minute format....