Eon Kid is the English title of a South Korean-Spanish CGI animated television series Iron Kid produced by Daewon Media and Design Storm in South Korea, and BRB Internacional with Televisión Española in Spain. While the series is known as Iron Kid in South Korea, Spain and other non-English-speaking countries, it is known as Eon Kid in the English-speaking countries due to the legal concerns. It premiered in Korea on KBS2 on April 6, 2006, and on TVE in fall 2006. In the United States, it is dis...
The story begins when men and women in their mid-40s meet each other again after 30 years, in a class reunion set up by a former classmate. With their current life hidden, they all enjoy the reunion and return to their respective lives, only to find out that two of the members begin to meet frequently, causing old flames to spark again and turn into a dangerous love affair. The struggles between families and burdens of reality are described in detail, but as they solve the mystery, the friendshi...