13th year of the Genroku era. Matahachiro Aoe, a samurai of the Shonai clan from Dewa Province, accidentally learned that a group of conspirators led by the main vassal of Tango Otomi were planning to poison the Lord. Matahachiro decided to consult with the father of his fiancée Yuki, Kizaemon Hiranuma, an employee of the security department, and told him everything. However, when Matahachiro was about to leave for home, Hiranuma attacked him from behind and Matahachiro defended himself by killi...
During the Kyoho period in the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, there is a gang of thieves active not just in Edo but also the Tokaido and the Nakasendo, and all across the Kansai region, stealing large sums of money with skillful techniques. They only target the very wealthy and never kill or injure people. They appear with the clouds and disappear like the mist. On the night that the beautiful Ochiyo is to become the bride of a dry goods dealer, a large amount of money hidden inside the shop is st...
The 38th NHK Asadora. Based on the autobiography of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's mother....
A wandering samurai, ronin, and ninja; meet by chance repeatedly and reluctantly team up to solve the problems of innocent villagers along the way....
The next generation of Manzai duos compete in a fierce battle of wits and laughter, unleashing their best material for a chance at comedic glory....
Hasegawa is a chief police of big heart who leads a band of samurai police and cultivates reformed criminals as informants to solve difficult crimes....
Two poor, married farmers have recently lost their only child; after a freak visitation, they pry open an alien cocoon to greet their new daughter....
First mainstream film directed by Genji Nakamura, based on Yasutaka Tsutsui's 1974 short story of the same title....
Momotaro carries this sword into battle against injustice in shogunate Japan. Aided by ninja he must now wage a furious battle against the terrible “Ran” clan, villains in league with Ohara Ukon, a bitter samurai nursing a grudge against the shogunate. Together the ruthless conspirators will threaten the foundations of shogunate rule over Japan. Only the relentless slashing sword of Momotaro may save the nation from the Ran clan's army of killers....