Northwest Passage is a 26-episode half-hour adventure television series produced by Metro Goldwyn Mayer about Major Robert Rogers during the time of the French and Indian War. The show derived its title and the main characters Rogers, Towne, and Marriner from the 1937 novel of the same name by Kenneth Roberts, and from the 1940 MGM feature film based on the novel. The scope of the novel was much broader than that of the series, and the second half of the book included an historically based attem...
Two sisters are arrested for skinny-dipping on their way to Los Angeles and are sentenced to labor work on a farm....
Damon is a thief who begins to question his beliefs after he meets Pythias, a liberal Athenian who believes all men are brothers....
After his Rangers are caught during a raid, a major must infiltrate the French army to save his men....
A pastiche of three episodes from the 1958 TV series Northwest Passage, stitched together as a feature and released theatrically in Europe....
Whenever it becomes known how good he is with guns, ex-gunman George and his wife Dora have to flee the town, in fear of all the gunmen who might want to challenge him. Unfortunately he again spills his secret when he's drunk. All citizens swear to keep his secret and support him to give up his guns forever -- but a boy tells the story to a gang of wanted criminals. Their leader threatens to burn down the whole town, if he doesn't duel him....
Adventure film about the popular hero Robin Hood, and how he and his partisans take on the defence of King Richard Lion-Heart's interests against his brother John, while the former is in the Holy Land....
In 1859, idealist John Wickliff Shawnessey, a resident of Raintree County, Indiana, is distracted from his high school sweetheart Nell Gaither by Susanna Drake, a rich New Orleans girl. This love triangle is further complicated by the American Civil War, and dark family history....
Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean....
A sensitive young man recalls his time in boarding school when the only person who seemed compassionate towards with him was his housemaster's wife....
The pilot, co-pilot, and crew of a bomber try to hit a Korean bridge in bad weather....