This dramedy follows four longtime friends as they navigate life and relationships through the strength of their brother-like bond. In a society where relationships between men of color are often misjudged and misrepresented, the series embraces male vulnerability versus hypermasculinity....
The life and career of R&B singer Bobby Brown, who left the pop group New Edition to score eight consecutive top-10 pop singles as a solo artist before his life began to unravel after his marriage to pop icon Whitney Houston....
A young ex-con risks his newfound freedom to track down the estranged daughter of a fellow inmate, and unknowingly brings a devil from her past straight to her doorstep....
When two jobless friends discover a hidden weed bible and the ultimate bud, they think that they’ve got it made…with 'seed' money to start a new snack delivery app. But, when nearly all of their stash and weed bible are stolen, the two potpreneurs set off on an outrageous, mind-bending adventure through Atlanta to find them. Stoned with supernatural powers, they search 'high' and low, stopping at nothing to recover their ticket to starting a legit business....