In this series we follow the hilarious Van Kampen family in their daily adventures. Erik struggles with his Tatta identity as he desperately tries to get out of debt. Laura looks for a job to support the family, Daan clumsily pursues love and Jessica finds her footing at her first job. And Richard? He argues with everyone, but remains irresistible....
Megan has a special relationship with discarded jumping horse Whitestar. When it turns out that Whitestar still has special talents, the owner takes him away from Megan for competitions, but has no success. Only when Megan and Whitestar are together again does Whitestar turn out to be a real winner because they bring out the best in each other....
A well-to-do white family struck by overnight financial ruin struggle to find their place in the urban, multicultural working-class neighborhood they are forced to move into....
Youth movie about the fashion loving Coco, who wins a trip to New York....
Dylan is very successful at running his own lunchroom and YouTube channel. Then IJsbrand comes into his life and copies everything he does. Dylan decides to get to the bottom of this and puts fame and friendship at risk....