Dream of the Red Chamber, first released in 1987, was a television series produced by CCTV, adapted from the classic 18th century Chinese novel of the same name. It gained enormous popularity for its music, cast, and plot adaptation, being regarded by many within China as being a near-definitive adaptation of the story....
Dream of the Red Chamber, first released in 1987, was a television series produced by CCTV, adapted from the classic 18th century Chinese novel of the same name. It gained enormous popularity for its music, cast, and plot adaptation, being regarded by many within China as being a near-definitive adaptation of the story....
Fitter Hu Jianlin was transferred to the headquarters by accident when the group was laying off employees. He is full of jokes because he is incompatible with the environment of the big factory. Human resources manager Ma Jie, who was caught up in the "wrong adjustment" incident, was forced to go around hiding it in order to keep his job. Is he able to keep his job after this mistake?...
A teacher look for her student after the end of the cultural revolution....