When the West Coast Crew dance troupe, led by the talented and ambitious Buddy, is selected to enter the widely broadcast “Superdance” reality TV talent show, the young dancers revel in their newfound fame and dream of their lives as winners of the prestigious contest. But as the competition begins to heat up – especially from rival dance troupe Muertas – jealousy, narcissism and interpersonal conflict threaten to break the crew apart....
A man discovers the old psychiatric reports of a patient who went missing in the 1930s and starts to investigate similar disappearances....
Situated in Prague, a 20-year-old Vietnamese named Song, hoped for a better future in Europe. But now in a Vietnamese district in Prague, he is trapped in a marijuana grow house and has life of a modern slave. Police rounds up the place. Song runs away on the rooftop of a condo building in a nearby district where he breaks down. Mr. Rypar (78) lives alone. He is fond of the old times, living in a strong opposition to modern world. Rypar goes up on the roof and meets Song standing on the very edg...