Based on the manga "Clover" by Tetsuhiro Hirakawa. Hayato (Kento Kaku) comes back to his hometown after he left during his elementary school days. Hayato is now transferred to hometown high school as a freshman. He rebuilds friendships with his childhood friend Tomoki (Takahiro Miura) and Kenji (Suzunosuke). Hayato is good at fighting and frequently gets into trouble. With his strength and help from friends, Hayato attempts to move past his earlier troubles...
The story revolves around a highschool girl named Fujioka Haruhi at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who have formed their own club as hosts. Accidentally breaking an antique vase, Haruhi ends up owing the club a vast amount of money, and she ends up posing as a host in order to repay her debt....
2012 Japanese drama film...
Daichi (Mahiro Takasugi) is a young dental technician. He is called a prince due to his excellent skills at work and his handsome appearance. One day, he meets again his childhood friend Manatsu (Seia Yasuda). Manatsu has just began work as a dental hygienist at a clinic in th suburb. Meanwhile, Daichi receives recognition for his work by dental clinic director (Yuichi Kimura) and dentist (Yuuki Tsujimoto), but his father (Tetsuhiro Ikeda), who runs a dental technician's office, thinks Daichi’s...