Spiral is the sequel to the TV drama The Ring: The Final Chapter, based on the novel Spiral by Koji Suzuki. In a potent brew that is frightening audiences, this new type of horror blends traditional Japanese occult-like myths and curses with present-day elements such as viruses, genetic engineering and cloning. Six people die in an office building where a murder once took place. When the authorities investigate the scene of the odd incident, they find the fingerprints of a man who had already b...
Adapted from Keigo Higashino's novel of the same name (Englsih Title: Malice), the TV series explores the complex relationship between a famous novelist found dead and his best friend, under the investigation of Detective Saibara. Set in Osaka, it delves into themes of envy, deceit, and the dark side of human nature, as secrets unravel in a twist-filled plot....
An animated series about a Japanese dog that meets many mythical creatures of Northern Japan as he searches for eight star talismans....
Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective ...
The drama about the youngest of four sisters, all raised solely by their father, who wants to write children's books....
Ruri, having been abandoned by her mother to a foster care facility, lives a life of reckless abandonment. When Nakama Yuzo, a kind man but for a trigger-happy temper, runs into Ruri he realizes that perhaps she's the child he's been looking for. Yuzo lives in Hatomijima, a small insland in Okinawa where the population is 49 and the average age group is 61. There are no children. The island has only one school - a primary school. If a child is not enrolled in the school, it will be closed. As a...
Katagiri Teppei (Takuya Kimura) is an advertisement designer, but he's forced to be transferred to the Sales Department because of his egocentric behavior. He is forced to adapt to a new working environment, which includes changing his appearance to create a more professional image as a salesman. He runs into Uesugi Riko (Takako Matsu) at work, who always fights with him, and his high school sweetheart, Mizuhara Sanae, whom he still loves only to find out that she's engaged to his brother, Soich...
The elevators in a skyscraper suddenly stop functioning. In one car, six ordinary people are trapped. In another car, the six members of comedy group Jovijova are trapped....
Takarazuka Snow Troupe 1992-93 production based on The 47 Ronin....
Flower Troupe's 1995 stageplay production of Sorrowful Cordoba....
Michelle is a middle-aged Hong Kong woman who decides to take a trip to Southern France in order to find some inner resolution about her unhappy marriage. While touring the rainy country with a fairly depressing tour group, she befriends Miki, a quirky young Japanese woman who seems to have some problems of her own. After the end of the tour, the two women decide to extend their vacation by travelling to Morocco but things go horribly wrong when Miki is kidnapped by a modern slave-trader…...