The series tells the story of cute and smart girl Shi Xia (Wu Qianying), who accidentally came into the unfamiliar mythical world to find her disappeared brother. Her daily life with the Demon Shi Dong (Dai Yunfan), a loving brother, and the Lord Hou Chi of Yuhua School (Zhao Yingbo) is funny and heartwarming. A hilarious story of two brothers “protecting” their little sister starts....
She was once the bold and gruff descendant from a noble family who turned into the most famous courtesan in Shiliyangchang. She has endured countless grievances all because she fell in love with a man. However, the journey of love is as long as the road to the past, present and future, she'll trek it day and night just to win a glance....
Fu Yunyue, the second-in-command of Long City's Chiyan Gang, disregarded her brother Fu Yunzheng's objection and disguised herself to get close to Shen family's young master, Shen Xize. While seeking revenge for her mother by assassinating the family head, Shen Wende, she discovered an even deeper secret....
The program brings together nearly 150 artists who cross the border to become athletes in the program to prepare for and compete in three categories of athletics, water sports and general events....
Qi Ming is a handsome boy and he is also a top student at school, but Yi Yao is a so-called bitch on everyone’s lips. Qi and Yi grew up together and they have been maintaining a good relationship. However, everything is interrupted and changed by Tang Xiaomi. Rumors have become a sharp weapon to destroy people. Yi Yao's life falls into darkness, and she suffers all kinds of cruel bullying at school....