This tells the story about a policewoman, Ran Dongdong, who solves the "Big Trap Case" and raises reflections and questions about marriage and love in the process of doing...
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is a Chinese television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel of the same title. It was first aired in China on CCTV on 22 December 2003....
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves in...
The story tells about the life of an ordinary woman, who needs to work hard to have a stable life. After facing the betrayal of her husband as well as other hardships of life, she manages to have a story of self-salvation....
Qiao Wei and the women around her unravel dark secrets, take revenge, and reveal the treacherous nature of manipulation and the complexities of trust....
When Zhang Nan was a child, his mother was imprisoned because she had fought with the villagers over irrigation water. From then on, Zhang Nan was determined to leave and take root in the big city. Just when he has graduated with a master's degree, his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Zhang Nan is forced to abandon a promising future in Shanghai and returned to his native village of Baiguo to serve as the team leader. Zhang Nan takes on three years of poverty alleviation work. Through his journ...
Ke Ying, a skilled economics lecturer, is forced to assist the manipulative Feng Xiaosheng in gaining control over his corporation. Meanwhile, Xiao Wu, a street-smart police informant, discovers Feng's company is involved in money laundering. Using his position as Feng's right-hand man, Xiao Wu befriends Ke Ying, and together, they work to bring down the criminal organization....
After graduating from the police academy, Qin Chuan and his friends return to their hometown as police officers, determined to pursue their dream of becoming detectives. Despite challenges, Qin Chuan’s career takes off when he proves his courage in a critical situation. Under the guidance of his superiors, he grows into a skilled detective, facing the weight of his responsibilities and the realities of the job....