Hero - Bhakti Hi Shakti Hai is a live-action superhero TV series that airs in India. The show first aired on Hungama TV on 30 May 2005 on UTV's Kids channel Hungama TV. It was then aired on Jetix. The show is produced by Zarina Mehta, Ronnie Screwvala and Deven Khote. "Hero has strong emotional appeal and Indian values, which along with the fantasy and comedy elements should make a great viewing experience for kids. Our research shows that kids enjoy the theme of ‘Good winning over evil’ and th...
Jodha Akbar is an epic drama about a sixteenth century story of the political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai. The show focuses on how their political marriage brings love between them to an extent that it changed the fate of India. This period drama also portrays the wars of that time along with the relations between the Mughals and the Rajputs. The drama also focuses on the functioning of the queens, the co...
Papad Pol - Shahbuddin Rathod ki Rangeen Duniya was a popular sitcom that aired on SAB TV from Monday to Friday 7:30 pm IST. It was based on the story of the imaginary world of characters created by renowned writer Shahabuddin Rathod....
A historical drama based on the love story between King Chandragupta Maurya and his wife, Nandni. King Suryagupta Maurya and his queen, Moora, are expecting a baby and visit the kingdom of Magadh for the Vasant Utsav. Later, Suryagupta finds out a shocking truth about Queen Avantika of Magadh....
Kashmakash is an anthology that narrates 5 unique stories of modern day crimes in India, and the dilemma that the victims of these crimes go through when choosing between right and wrong....