The series follows the adventures of lighthearted Jean-Paul Moulin, a police Commissaire, and his team as they solve crimes....
The series follows the adventures of lighthearted Jean-Paul Moulin, a police Commissaire, and his team as they solve crimes....
The "black robe" in the title of this suspense film belongs to a female lawyer, Florence Nat who has just lost a case in which she defended Simon Risler, a man wrongly accused of murder. Risler escapes before he can be put in prison, and seeks help from attorney Nat in finding the real killer, partly by going after the police inspector who framed him in the first place. A retired surgeon, in the process of setting up a drug rehab clinic gets involved in solving Risler's case, and soon the soluti...
A man is accused of a crime he didn't commit. He will be sexually abused in prison....
Michel, a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans....