The spin-off for the TV show Die NDR Talk Show is aimed at a younger audience...
Joko and Klaas are teaming up against ProSieben. In this game show, the duo must duel against various team-ProSieben celebrities to gain an advantage in the final round. If Joko & Klaas emerge victorious, they can do whatever they want the following day for 15 minutes at 8:15pm, during prime time. If they lose the finale, their channel can decide on an adequate punishment - funny, embarrassing, or annoying....
The epic battle for the title of World Champion continues. Joko and Klaas must duel each other around the world in self-chosen teams. Which team will show the most bravery, strength, and determination?...
Joko and Klaas are teaming up against ProSieben. In this game show, the duo must duel against various team-ProSieben celebrities to gain an advantage in the final round. If Joko & Klaas emerge victorious, they can do whatever they want the following day for 15 minutes at 8:15pm, during prime time. If they lose the finale, their channel can decide on an adequate punishment - funny, embarrassing, or annoying....
Joko gegen Klaas – Das Duell um die Welt is a German reality series, broadcast on the German television network ProSieben on prime time. In English the show is called Joko vs. Klaas – The Battle for the World . It is a show that pins its two stars against one another in a series of challenges all over the globe. Hosts Joachim ‘Joko’ Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf give each other a series of outrageous and tough challenges in countries all over the world; they know where they’re going but...