Life Sahi Hai' is a sitcom that revolves around the lives of four guys who have moved to Delhi to live independently for the first time. They have a tendency to land in uncomfortable and what for us are hilarious, situations all the time. While dealing with bosses, girlfriends and with each other, these guys end up in such challenging situations, which only they are capable of landing themselves in. While they are getting used to the newfound freedom, they realize that freedom isn't free.[3] But...
A grieving mother discovers the criminals behind her daughter's tragic death, and transforms from meek to merciless to get the real story....
An anthology series showcasing the unpredictable pathways of love. Across three captivating stories, we see young Indians and their digital conversations evolve into real-world meetings, each tale explores the resilience of hope, expression of love amidst life's chaos, and the captivating magic of chance encounters. Through these poignant narratives, the series unveils the romance woven by destiny in the unlikeliest of cyber spaces....
Enter Maya Ahuja's twisted world of truth and lies. She navigated her childhood with the bubbly blabbermouth Bulbul and her college life with the unapologetic hustler Mayo. Today, Maya Ahuja is a feisty but manipulative lawyer with a sassy sense of humour and a warped perspective who will stop at nothing to make it big....
Set in quaint by-lanes in the heart of India, Gullak is a collection of disarming and relatable tales of the Mishra family....
1945. A 14-year-old boy. And a single 10-rupee note that is stolen from him. The same note that he recovers, with compassion, resilience and lateral thinking, to turn it into a Rs. 10000 crore legacy company....
Desire and greed intertwines the lives of a Bollywood star, his chauffeur, a prostitute and her pimp in an unlikely love story....
There is trouble in the heaven for Aveek and Vani. Their relationship is falling apart and all that holds them together is one white shirt....