Billuka is a renowned Fintech company created and managed altogether by Julian and his friends Ricardo, Simón, Santiago, Tomas, Daniel and Mafe. On the other hand, Antonia, daughter of a very important businessman, arrives to Colombia in hopes to make a fresh start. When Julian meets Antonia is love at first sight. Later, Julian entangles himself on a series of conflicts between love and business....
The series revolves around the life of Camilo and Juancho, two friends who work in the maestro Guzmán's orchestra, both share the dream of one day becoming the most recognized musicians in the tropical genre. In this long journey to fulfill their dream, they meet Daniela, a woman of good economic position who wants to be famous and live music as they do. Daniela will have to hide from her family that she is part of a musical orchestra, and Camilo and Juancho that she is from a family of high soc...
Ana, a dedicated wife and mother, must reinvent her life after divorcing her philandering husband. When she meets and falls in love with a much younger man named Joaquín, her family and future change forever....
Eugenio uses Fernanda for revenge against the Del Pinos, but she changes all....
Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family that has taken her in....