The series revolves around the life of Camilo and Juancho, two friends who work in the maestro Guzmán's orchestra, both share the dream of one day becoming the most recognized musicians in the tropical genre. In this long journey to fulfill their dream, they meet Daniela, a woman of good economic position who wants to be famous and live music as they do. Daniela will have to hide from her family that she is part of a musical orchestra, and Camilo and Juancho that she is from a family of high soc...
Amar y temer is a 2011 Colombian telenovela produced and broadcast by Caracol TV and Sony Pictures Entertainment....
On may 27, 1874, was born in Jericó, Antioquia (Colombia) a woman who would make history: Laura Montoya. In 2013 she was recognized as the first canonized saint in Colombia. This is the extraordinary story of her life....
Daisy O'Brian is a normal girl who dreams of a singing career in musical comedy. Her parents are vampires, and per her family tradition, she must decide to become a vampire or not on her 16th birthday. On that day, Daisy decides to stay human to live next to her love, Max, who is her neighbor and classmate. However, that same day, a fatal accident changes her life forever. The doctor says to her parents that she is not going to make it. So, her parents decide to bite Daisy, to save her, turning...
A soldier will have a mission of rescuing his partner kidnapped in the Colombian jungle although he will miss a dating with a beautiful girl that is his partner's sister....
A man passionate about rumba learns its history — and lessons on love — by dancing his way through various genres, from merengue to reggaeton....
Catalina is a young, beautiful girl living in extreme poverty with her brother Bayron and her mother Hilda. She becomes obsessed with getting breast implants to get social status and money. She leaves her boyfriend Albeira and becomes a prostitute for drug dealers. In this way she will enjoy all the luxuries that she lacks. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend Albeira and her mother Hilda begin a relationship behind her back....
When Dolores, an undocumented immigrant who lives alone, discovers $3 million in cash, her life takes a sudden and unexpected turn....