Bekaboo explores the realms of fairies and demons. The epic story revolves around Rakshas and a Pari, both of whom are unaware of their magical ancestors. What happens after they learn who they really are and what their ancestors' abilities are?...
Reboot of Bade Achhe Lagte Hain (2011). It once again deals with how two unlikely people get married and find love over time....
A re-imagination of Anurag and Prerna's soul-stirring romance. Made for each other, will these star-crossed lovers unite against the odds of betrayal, revenge, and retribution?...
Madhukar and Parthavi fall head over heels in love with each other, but the fact that they belong to different castes of society, becomes an obstacle in their romance. The lovers dare to go against societal norms and battle all odds for the sake of love....