Shonan Theater, also known as...Distress Theater. One day, comedian Tokiura (Yoshihiko Aramaki) comes to this theater where comedians with no future or problems are banished to the island. On stage, the duo Amagen, consisting of Genta (Chin Naisho) and Amano (Mizuki Umetsu), is performing a skit. However, there were only two customers, and only the voice of the skit echoed hollowly. Meanwhile, in the dressing room on the second floor, entertainers such as Jatani (Hiroki Torigoe) and Shima (Mas...
One day, on his way to high school, student Junpei picks up an unusual looking rock. Thinking nothing of it, he heads to class. While in the middle of a session, the rock comes to life and transports him and four others to an animated world! To make matters more interesting, the group is introduced to a giant sphinx who is determined to take over the world! Now, to protect their world from invasion, the group must work together as anime characters and real-world humans!...
Set in an alternative world of Bungo Stray Dogs, this "what-if" story imagines if Atsushi Nakajima was in the Port Mafia and Ryūnosuke Akutagawa was in the Armed Detective Agency, instead of vice-versa. The story follows Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, who vows revenge on a man dressed in black in order to rescue his sister. However, as he is about to starve to death, a man from the Armed Detective Agency appears....
Vampires have lived and coexisted with humans since medieval Romania. They set their sights on Nobara High School, a private school in Ibaraki Prefecture, as a place of prosperity. One day, Goro, a second-year high school student who likes women, is attacked by someone. The next day, he went to school dressed as a woman and became gay. His classmate Kyohei Kohinata predicts that if he is bitten by a vampire, he will become homosexual....
The origin story of Nozomu Otani, a young man who inherits the powers of Kamen Rider Chimera from his friend Ryu Mukai. This special serves as a prequel to the events of Kamen Rider Revice: Battle Familia....
A delinquent teenager is killed in a car accident, and is resurrected as an investigator of the supernatural....
Yusuke Urameshi, revived as a spirit world detective, defeats the evil monsters that appear one after another with his reliable friends Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei in order to protect peace between the human world and the spirit world. In front of them, a formidable enemy stands in their way... The battles gradually become more intense as the stages change from the human world to the spirit world to the demon world, and what lies ahead as the story deepens......
Keiwa and Sara are transported to the World of Shinobi where they assist Rentaro and his allies in fighting the powerful Amakusa Shiro Tokisada....
The first live concert for Ensemble Stars! On Stage, performed September 22nd-27th 2018....
Doppo Kunikida is an idealist and a straight-laced detective at the Armed Detective Agency, an organisation that takes on dangerous jobs even the police won't handle. Everything in his life is going just as he's planned... until one day, he's paired up with the agency's newest hire: a suspicious, eccentric, suicide-obsessed man named Osamu Dazai....
Before he joined the Armed Detective Agency, Osamu Dazai was the youngest-ever executive with the Port Mafia, the most notorious underground crime syndicate in all of Yokohama. Three of its members--Dazai, Odasaku, and Ango--formed a camaraderie despite their vast disparities in rank. When Ango suddenly goes missing, Odasaku, a lowly Mafia grunt, receives direct orders from their boss to find him...only for Ango's trail to lead Odasaku to a mysterious, foreign criminal organization called Mimic....
The second live concert in the Ensemble Stars! stage series; it ran from March 25th-26th 2023 in Yokohama....
A film version of the psychic omnibus horror "Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi"....
In Edo, an amnesic man with extraordinary sword skills searches for clues about his past and his identity....
The first stage play adaption of Haruichi Furudate's Haikyū!! series. Described as a "hybrid performance," the play mixes manga, live-play, and video to create an unforgettable experience for its viewers....
2205 AD. "Historic revisionists" aiming to alter history have launched an attack on the past. When confronting, the government dispatches a "god of the deity" into the past to protect history. Created by the power of the priest, which excites the heart of things, With their swords, the mourning gods, the "sword swordsmen," work with the priests to fight for history....
live action Diabolik Lovers...
Over the Sunshine!...
The four princes of the Kingdom of Granzreich are aiming to become the next king. Under the guidance of the royal tutor Heine Wittgenstein, while overcoming various obstacles and sometimes hesitating, they grow little by little. Appearing before them are twin princes from the Kingdom of Romano. Even though these princes look cute on the surface, they are actually extremely sadistic...! Towards such an unprecedented crisis, Heine and the four princes perform "educational guidance"!?...
Is the second stage play adaption of Haruichi Furudate's Haikyū!! series. The stage play is split into two acts and covers the second half of the Karasuno High Team Formation Arc (the Karasuno vs Nekoma practice match), the Interhigh match against Tokonami, and the Interhigh match against Date Tech....
The first stage adaptation of the Fruits Basket manga....
The second stage adaptation of the manga Fruits Basket....