Boris is an Italian television series created by Luca Manzi and Carlo Mazzotta, initially produced from 2007 to 2010, with a revival season premiered in 2022. The show brings to the stage the behind the scenes of a television set where a troupe is shooting Gli occhi del cuore 2 (The eyes of the heart 2), a satirical portrait of the many fictions airing on the Italian TV networks....
Don Matteo is a thoroughly ordinary Catholic priest with an extraordinary ability to read people and solve crimes. He’s a parish priest who never met an unjustly accused person he didn’t want to help....
A story of murder, conspiracy and secrets but above all about a great love story; Tuscan Passion tells the story of an impossible love between Aurora Taviani and Alessandro Monforte. Both belong to enemy families and both are divided by a history of blood and mystery....
Lo zio d'America is an Italian television series....
L'avvocato Porta is an Italian television series....
Maria is obsessed with the television industry while she lives a quiet provincial life with her son Daniel. When show girl Vale launches her new reality, Maria thinks her moment has come, but the world she craves chooses someone else instead....
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen....
Towards the end of the eleventh century, Pope Urban II announces a crusade against the Saracens, who have occupied the holy city of Jerusalem. Three young friends Richard, Peter and Andrew set off to join the crusading army....
Raised by an uncle in New York after his parents died in an attack orchestrated by the mafia, Thomas, now an adult, is sent to live in Italy. There, while his tortured past and the death of his parents come back to haunt him, he feels increasingly drawn to Thelma, his uncle's mysterious wife. Soon Thomas will learn the truth about the death of his parents and foment a vengeance of great heights....
A poetic adventure of two children who arrive from a small village in outing to Rome and, in front of an unexpected, decide to escape from their mother...