This moving telenovela tells the story of an unconditional love that overcomes life’s unexpected turnarounds. Ana is a promising tennis player who counts on best friend and sister Manuela for support. After a terrible car accident, Ana goes into a deep coma and only emerges from it five years later. Now, she must struggle to recover the life that went on without her and that she no longer recognizes as her own....
An inheritance of millions brings the fun-loving Charlô (Irene Raveche) and her bad-tempered cousin Otávio (Tony Ramos) closer than they ever expected. The inheritance, which includes a mansion and a chain of clothing stores, stipulates that the assets remain in the family. And since no one is willing to give up their part they decide to share the mansion and the business, despite the mortal hatred they harbor for each other. Charlô’s adopted son Felipe (Edson Celulari) also becomes caught up in...