This four-part docuseries investigates the events of 1993, where Lorena Bobbitt sliced off her husband's penis after years of abuse. John and Lorena Bobbitt's stories exploded into a 24-hour news cycle. She became a national joke, her suffering ignored by the male-dominated press. But as John spiraled downward, Lorena found strength in the scars of her ordeal....
In 1993 one short brutal act guaranteed John Wayne Bobbitt a notoriety that he can never shake off. Film-maker Vicky Hamburger went to find out what happened to the man with the world's most famous penis....
John Wayne Bobbitt tells his story including the fateful incident involving his wife. Has he fully recovered from losing his penis? The AVN Award Winner for Most Rented and Best Selling Release of 1994. "Ever since this whole thing happened, all everybody wants to see is my penis...now you can!"...