In this gripping period drama, Matsudaira Ukon, the younger brother of the 11th Tokugawa Shogun Ienari, lives in the city as Yabutaro, a doctor in the Ukiyo Koji district, while fighting the evil that has infested the city of Edo....
An action comedy in which five people from the Aso detective agency aim to make a lot of money quickly through various commisions....
The 9th NHK Asadora. Starring Naoko Otani as a young woman living with her grandmother....
Ginji (Teruhiko Aoi), together with Yasugoro, a bathhouse owner, Toshiro, a ronin, Kojiro, a samurai retainer's son, and Omitsu, a kimono shop owner's daughter .... use drumsticks as a weapon against the evil that lurks in the city of Edo....
Akizuki Rokurōta was born as a child of Tokugawa Ieyasu, but since he is a twin with Tokugawa Iemitsu he is not allowed an official place within the Tokugawa family. Sent away as an adopted son, he continues his wandering journey. One day, he accidentally encounters Toyotomi Hideyori's son Toyotomi Hideya, his mother Katsura-no-miya Renko and their maidservant Sasaka, survivors of the Shogunate attack on Osaka Castle years before who are now fleeing from their refuge in Kyoto. The Tokugawa Shogu...
The 8th Tokugawa shogun, Yoshimune, sets up a suggestion box to hear the complaints of the common people. However, not all the complaints were addressed. Kuroda Gunbei, a vassal of the senior councilor Okubo Kaga-no-kami, took it upon himself to pick up unresolved cases. Along with his subordinates, he worked to rectify wrongdoings and bring about resolutions....
Japanese home reform. Homes are chosen from viewers who write in explaining unique problems, like small space, broken or damaged home, no bathroom, no insulation, too old, not elderly friendly, etc. The show showcases some of the worst living conditions before, then goes through a reformation to modernize the home and meet the needs of the owners. Alias name is "Before After"...
Shiragaki is renowned for its ceramics. This documentary follows people who must overcome physical disabilities to work in the town....
Romance story about the first female manager of the Nihon University Phoenix...
After World War II, when Okinawa was under control of the United States, the local yakuza prospered. But when Okinawa is returned to Japan, the mainland yakuza tries to take over; the local yakuza tries to compete. Now sides are drawn among the local yakuza guys who used to be best friends since their childhood, and brother fights brother. It results in the biggest yakuza war in Okinawa....
A story of two mates, Pitcher and catcher on a pro-baseball team, devoted to their game, bikes, girls and having a good time. When they meet a girl who is still mourning the death of her boyfriend in a bike accident, they try to help - though her beauty means their motives may not be entirely altruistic!...
With World War II is coming to its end and Japan nearing defeat, Japanese military leaders step up suicide attacks on Allied ships. Toei legend Koji Tsuruta stars as a Kamikaze squad leader who has second thoughts about suicide runs. He becomes torn between his own morality and his duty to his country when he must deal with a pilot under his command who refuses to complete his mission....
In the War's closing days, when a conscience-driven Japanese soldier fails to get his countrymen to surrender to overwhelming force, he adopts the lifestyle of a Buddhist monk....
Sangokushi is set in the waning days of the Han dynasty. Central rule has disintegrated, and the land is controlled by multiple warlords. Liu Bei Xuande is a warrior who aspires to build a just state and to serve the people....
The sequel to 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' (1985)...
The Shogun gets engaged to a princess who rebels against the prospect, because she wasn't consulted....