Arushi Sharma is an Indian actress. She came into the spotlight by appearing in the song ‘Chali Kahaani’ from Ranbir Kapoor‘s film “Tamasha.”In 2020, she featured in the Bollywood film “Love Aaj Kal” in which she played the role of ‘Leena,’ Kartik’s schoolmate in the 90s.
Three friends Pargat, Goldy, and Jeeta, shift to Chandigarh and look out for ways to make easy money. They get involved in illegal activities. Their lives take a gripping turn when they kill the accomplice of Balbir, a well-connected man who is now after them, to take revenge....
Set in the near future, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are quarantined from the rest of the world as a mystery disease engulfs them, prompting the islanders to attempt an unprecedented feat in human history - escaping the Kaala Paani....
Meeting while on vacation, Ved and Tara sense a connection but vow to keep their real identities a secret. Years later, their paths cross again....
Rewa, a bride, is questioning her decision just moments before her wedding, and takes one last step before taking the leap....
Gudiya is a Punjabi movie starring Yuvraj Hans, Sawan Rupowal, Arushi Sharma, Vindu Dara Singh and Shivendra Mahal in prominent roles. It is directed by Rahul Chandre....
When professional ambitions clash with personal feelings for a modern-day couple, a love story from a bygone era may offer some wisdom....
A small-time magician with zero interest in football must lead his local team to the finals of a tournament if he wishes to marry the love of his life....
An anthology of four diverse stories about identity and belonging....