Băieți de oraș is a TV series created by Mihai Bendeac. He exposes the lives of 4 teenagers: Roby Roberto, Malone, Robotzelu and Dorian. In this series, besides the protagonists, there were also famous actors from Romanian cinemas such as Rodica Popescu Bitănescu or Carmen Tănase. The intro song of the series is composed and performed by the Romanian rapper Cheloo. The Băieți de oraș comedy series is one of the most watched TV series in Romania....
Mara, a 12 year old who is ill, embarks on a fantastic adventure filled with hope. She discovers a magical tree located near a palliative care center that is a portal to her favorite story: the book of Ion Creanga, "Childhood Memories"....
A frothy comedy about life in the corporation, about the challenges of building a career and those of consolidating and motivating a team. The film, a satire of corporate life, reveals the events of a team building in which the robotic corporativism unleash themselves and unleash themselves by showing their human side....
A bartender-combiner urgently needs to pay off a debt. He persuades his brother, a fiery bouncer, to arrange a bachelor party together, without the knowledge of the owners of the club where he works....
A night. Dozens of stories. A city. Lică, a taxi driver, is an all knowing guy, while Liviu, his friend, also a taxi driver keeps a lot to himself. They are completely different and their ideas about life and people only meet when they are eating and drinking at the bar. They are frustrated with their jobs. For Lică money is the most important thing, while Liviu thinks that a happy and fulfilling life represents more. They are trying to rediscover who they are and what they can do with their lif...
With the support of the Spanish authorities, the Romanian police are developing a bold and dangerous plan to unmask a criminal organization and capture the leader. The comedy settles with the visit of a Spanish official who puts great difficulty on the Romanian officials. In "Hola, mamacita, Shakira, Pique" all their vocabulary in Spanish is summarized and they understand about the official directives. "We're on a mission, but who is that?" Obviously, things get fun. Fortunately, there are compe...
To keep the band together, Selly tries to earn money by making an appearance at the birthday party of a mobster's daughter - until he gets kidnapped....
A little boy asks you for money. A rich old man calls for health. A supermodel sneezes. Two surgeons endlessly invite each other to make the first cut. A young soprano converts to music a savage sitting in a tree. And so on and and so on - Is there a way out of this?...