A story that follows a pair of twins who venture into the glittering lights of showbiz with a secret to hide. Despite their identical looks, their personalities are different as night and day. The kind-hearted Xiao Mu assumes the identity of her audacious older sister Yao Meng Gui and transforms overnight from a plain jane delivery clerk to a famous star that is known to every household. Entertainment reporter Chen Mo discovers inconsistencies that raise his suspicions regarding her identity. I...
When Zhang Nan was a child, his mother was imprisoned because she had fought with the villagers over irrigation water. From then on, Zhang Nan was determined to leave and take root in the big city. Just when he has graduated with a master's degree, his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Zhang Nan is forced to abandon a promising future in Shanghai and returned to his native village of Baiguo to serve as the team leader. Zhang Nan takes on three years of poverty alleviation work. Through his journ...
Bai He is a college freshman who grew up with her father. She has a deep sense of justice, respects her elders and is also a tad tomboyish. Because of an accident, Bai He's life turns into one of the magical encounters. She is pulled right into the center of different novels that take her through history from the time of the ancient dynasties to the Republican era to the present day. Her mission is to help the insignificant characters in the novel find their purpose. In this way, she will be abl...
A love story between the president of a company who develops a severe case of OCD that prohibits him from interacting with women and the one person that he is immune to. An incident from when he was eighteen years old gravely affects the life of Wei Qin. Even though he has become a high-ranking corporate executive, he is unable to interact with the opposite sex, which is why he has been searching for a 'princess' that can save him for years. Ten years later, because of a drunken encounter with ...
When five college students share a house, they also share their experiences with life and love. Han Yi Tong, Ni Jin, Chen Chen Chen, Lin Xiao Chun and Zhang Sheng Nan are roommates who share a house while attending the same university. Can they support each other through the many challenges they face?...
Zhou Yuan is a martial arts prodigy who will fall seriously ill if she starts to form emotional attachments. After disguising herself as a man to break into Qingyun Academy, she meets the young marquis who hates weddings. Fate has forcibly tied Wei Qi and Zhou Yuan's destinies together. Wei Qi is the only son of Wei Hou. On the outside, he is outstanding and carries with him an air of arrogance. In private, he is a man who hates marriage because each of his marriages have resulted in failure. O...
Liu Zixin’s picture-perfect marriage unravels when she uncovers her husband’s infidelity and hidden agenda. Seeking revenge, she hires private investigator Zhang Xiuqi, only to be confronted by Zhou Ping, who reveals that she had an affair with Zhang a year earlier. As Liu grapples with memory loss from a past accident, she begins to suspect Zhang’s true motives, leading her into a complex web of secrets and deception....
In the world of hypnotism, Lu Fengping is known for being one of the country's best hypnotists. A true genius in his field, Fengping’s skill is unparalleled. Naturally, when the city is rocked by a string of crimes that all seem to be conducted under the influence of hypnotism, it is Fengping the police turn to for help....
After a car accident, Shen Xingchen awakens to find his soul transported three years into the future, inhabiting the body of his twin brother, He Yuchuan. Now living under a false identity, he faces constant tests from his former lover, Jiang Muyi. As they work together to uncover the truth behind the accident and reveal a deeper conspiracy, their love story finds a new beginning....