Česká soda was a satirical TV show created by Febio for Česká televize. The show was aired between the years 1993 and 1997. Total number of 14 episodes was created plus two New Year's Eve specials and an 1998 full-length picture. Running time of one episode was approximately 15 minutes....
After two troubled but powerful men rape a young hitchhiker who happens to be a vet, she drugs them and removes their testicles....
"A musical film of the totalitarian era" is the the second title of the film. The film is based on a legendary school film of Tomáš Vorel, called INg (1985).The story line stays the same - a young engineer finds a new job and wants to work, this proves to be impossible in the last days of the communist era....
A striking generational tragicomedy, A Hoof Here, a Hoof There is a caustic group portrait of pals who enjoy a tipple, all kinds of hi-jinks and no-strings sexual adventures. Auditor Pepe, vet Dědek and restaurant manager František are financially secure and enjoy life with their similarly fun-loving girlfriends—at least until the moment when the brash Pepe collapses and ends up in hospital....
A report is fabricated accusing a successful businessman, Patrik Grossmann, of racism. When the media launches a full-blown campaign against him, the atmosphere gets so thick that anyone can kick him while he's down just to prove their morality....
A tragicomedy full of slapstick and vignettes, and even an unexpected shootout. A family of villagers moves up in the world - to the county seat. Dad works as a butcher at a meatpacking plant, mom is a checker at a supermarket. The daughter is at odds with her homeroom teacher, while the son - a vegetarian, anarchist, and avid pothead - is apprenticing as a butcher to please his father. The kid's in hot water with both his forewoman and the police. But dad isn't much of an example, letting himse...
A bitter comedic-drama centering around Tomas, a former promising young director who must cope with a commerce driven world he no longer wants to participate in....
A computer programmer and his son are going out of the city for vacation....
When nostalgia makes her rethink the sale of her family cottage, a woman cajoles her husband and loved ones into one last getaway....
Honza Marak has long since abandoned a career in IT and has bought a cottage on the outskirts of a small village, where he’s settled in with his wife Marketa, daughter Anyna and son Sayen. He works in the woods as a forest labourer repairing roads and enclosures, cutting wood to sell and assisting the foresters. Marketa earns a living as a masseuse and alternative healer, making use of various mind-altering plants and mushrooms, which leads to conflict with the old inhabitants and eventually wit...