The events of the work revolve around a comedic framework around the Bazza family, who belong to the poor class and are unlucky enough to move to Abu Khaled's house to work as a maid for his family, but with Bazza's cleverness and intelligence, Abu Khaled falls in love with her and marries her, and she begins her plans to obtain Abu Khaled's property....
When romance is mixed with social issues and problems, it will inevitably express a real reality about love relationships, marriage, divorce, various social and family issues, and the traditions and customs of the surrounding society....
The two brothers (Shahit) and (Muhiet) inherit a large house from their father and then rent some rooms, then decide to increase their income by doing several projects. In each episode they start a new project that has problems and obstacles, and then ends up failing because of their rush and haste....
In 1967, three brothers from the Badr Al-Dajji family live on his personal path, Haji, the older brother who owns a sweets shop, the middle brother who died early, and the younger brother who takes what he is unjustly entitled....
Bu Nasser has everything from money and a name and he lacks nothing but the presence of a male son who bears his name, and because of the mockery of some of his competitors by trading him because he is "the father of the girls" and does not have a male son, his friends advise him to marry a second so that the boy has a son, so he decides to look for another wife with the help of Bu Duaij Al-Tajer....
The series in the form of social drama deals with the life of a deaf and dump orphan who cannot express his sufferings and demands and faces severe injustice from his relatives who seize his money....
This series takes place in a comedy drama about family life in Kuwait, through situations in which a family falls during their daily lives, such as eating from the street....
Aisha suffers from the intervention of her husband (Abdul Mohsen) in matters of the house after his retirement from work, in light of her attention and care for her children and her work, and her tolerance for the pressures of life, especially after she discovered (Faisal) drug addiction....
A series about the love of a young girl for an old man. The story is that a girl named Hessa, who is young, was raised by a man named Saud (Bo Mubarak), and when she grew up, she loved him, but at first he did not reciprocate her feelings and considered her as his daughter, but that changed and he married her and their lives changed forever after that marriage....
As part of the drama, the work deals with the character of a snirror, a person who is interested in planting and selling the basil plant, and things go normally until he hits people who rent his house and try to defraud him and implicate him in many failed projects....
Salha is divorced from her cousin Abdul Rahman. Despite their divorce, he lives with her in the same government house and has another wife. As Salha owns half of the house, he cannot sell it without her consent. Many funny situations occur between them because of her jealousy of her ex-husband’s wife....
The events revolve around the disobedience of the parents through the family of Jassim Al-Kharaz and his children, who hinder their parents and care only about their own interests....
The events of the work in the market and the old Kuwaiti market and the situation of traders and the problems they are exposed to and projections on the state of the Kuwaiti economy....
A family comedy series, set in a social context, about the Bu Muteih family - Salem Al Muhtaraj - and his wife Moza, and the relationships between them and those around them....
Kuwaiti Sitcom Starring Dawood Hussain and Hasan Al Ballam....
Government is above all...
The play deals with the situation of the Gulf family and the problems in which they fall in a mold of comedic situations and satirical paradoxes....