The misadventures of Lieutenant Harina and his partner, Officer Ramírez, a very special police couple, who find themselves with the opportunity of a lifetime...
The everyday life of people in Mexican neighborhoods, where anything can be found. Each episode interacts between these peculiar neighbors, where they encounter real and fictitious problems....
Inspired by classical songs, This Story Sounds to Me Vol. 2 is an broadcast in which music tells life stories, because everyone has a memorable song that "sounds like it." This Story Sounds to Me Vol. 2 consists of 23 episodes and, as in its first season, it takes place with the lead singer María José....
When two antagonistic families end up living next door in a posh neighborhood, the matriarchs ensue a full-scale war of unintended consequences....
The experiences of a group of young people interned at the Life Institute of Knowledge and Evolution (LIKE), a prestigious and cosmopolitan educational institution, with a supposedly modern and open educational system, but in reality it is deeply traditional and schematic....
When an aspiring blind comedian goes after his dreams, it's him and his best friend with cerebral palsy against the world, no matter what runs them over....
Vanessa and Marilú decide to leave behind the messed-up world they come from and set out to beat the system no matter the consequences. But when they finally start to see the fruits of their 'work,' they will realize that sometimes the mess isn't in the circumstances but within themselves....
Alejandro's life is disrupted when actress Sophie Wilder stays at his hotel. To their surprise, the two fall for one another, meeting at midnight....
At the Holly Day of The Deaths, a mother returns and finds that her three sons are desconsidered, ugly and lazy....
Two couples get to know what we all dream about: love at first sight. The problem is they meet it with different people to the ones they are engaged with, and they are just at seven days to get married. Up to that moment, they have to reconsider what’s love and what’s a habit, and to face them going against an idea with an expiration date: marriage. "Love of my loves" is based upon the successful mexican theatrical play "Un dos tres por mí y por todos mis amores", and explores compromise, doubts...
Fausto is destined to live the suicide of his beloved wife. After this tragic event, he’s inexplicably given the opportunity to travel back in time and change the faith of the woman who he loves....