The drama tells the story of the bankrupt and destitute upper-class lady Zhen Gao Gui, who, due to life's pressures, takes a job at a public relations company. There, she encounters sparks with the stand-in president of the client, Mr. Zhong Yi Ming. Together, they experience thrilling and turbulent times, with one being a noble lady returning from studying abroad only to discover bankruptcy, and the other, originally an idle playboy, being entrusted with significant responsibilities as the seco...
Six years after being left at the altar and learning her fiancé, Lu Yunkai, is connected to her parents’ death, Zhou Mian returns as designer He Erxin. She joins his company, seeking revenge while uncovering the truth behind the accident. As secrets unravel, Zhou Mian must decide whether to pursue revenge or rekindle her love with Lu Yunkai....
Two friends stumble their way through marriage. Feeling exhausted, they start to question if getting married must be the ultimate goal of relationships....
Buddies Meng Yun and Yu Fei break up with their girlfriends and indulge themselves in living the bachelor lifestyle again. However, as their ex-girlfriends reemerge in their lives, their “Single Plan” starts to unravel!...
Another chapter in the Journey to the West saga, this time Tang Sanzang and his disciples must attempt to cross Fiery Mountain. But the region is controlled by demons led by the Bull King, and it seems that Sun Wukong’s own past may prove to be a bigger obstacle than the volcano blocking their way....
When a drug to replicate plant cells creates a sentient form of flower, the planet is over taken by flora and humankind is depleted. A Chinese task force, a widowed father and his young daughter fight to survive in a mission to inject an antidote to the core of the plants to reverse their growth....