A story that takes place during a time of economic reform in China and follows the little people and their struggles amidst a great era. Zhou Xiao Qiang has decided to ride the tide of economic reform. Starting out as a man who outwitted others for his own gain, he managed to build a small factory in the 80's. In the the 90's, he has created a garments empire. In the advent of a new millennia and the rise of e-commerce, he has steered his company into the international markets. However, the ups...
The series follows the lives of three brothers as they struggle through the turbulent political period before the war. They become part of the first-generation immigrant entrepreneurial path in Qingdao. The story began in 1904 when the Jinan Railway opened and ends with the outbreak of war in 1937....
In 1938 October, the Japanese captured Wuhan Changsha, on the verge of death or destruction. City tea Xiang Hu family, under the support of grandson Xue Junshan, leave no stone unturned for Hu Jia's pet a pair of twins Xiangxiang and Xiaoman arrangement retreat. Xue Junshan first Xiangxiang introduced to studying abroad to return to defend Gu Qingming Changsha, but forceful nature of Xiangxiang and arrogant Gu Qingming met and potential with the fire, Xue Junshan had to elect people. In Xue effo...
The story of Dugu Qieluo, formally Empress Wenxian, and her husband Yang Jian who united China under the Sui Dynasty. The husband and wife come to be revered by the people as saints due to their extraordinary contributions to a new golden age....