The series follows the lives of Juha "Juhis" Koski and Tommi Mäkinen-Renwall as neighbours. The men drift too far in their everyday challenges that lead to excessive outcomes. Unwillingly, Tommi and Juhis often find themselves in awkward and embarrassing situations where they are forced to choose one of two bad options. Tommi's wife and Juhis' good friend Harriet does her best to understand the men's antics....
Dear children is a new comedy series from the creators of Siskonpeti about sibling relationships and mother relationships; when someone is the most beloved and the most infuriating at the same time. The adult sisters return to their childhood home to look after their wild mother, who is recovering from a cerebral infarction. The visit, which was intended to be short, drags on and the childhood home serves as a refuge for the sisters' personal crises....
An animated comedy about police officers at one of the biggest police stations in Helsinki. Personal characters fight against domestic crimes like the way they see it best. In addition they face current phenomena such as the “Guugelheim project” and children’s talent shows “Who wants to be the next orphan millionaire”....
Career woman finds out that her boyfriend is living a secret double life. She finds a bag of money and decides to make a run for it. She is accompanied by a little girl who is also on a run from her criminal step-father. Together they're trying to make it to her grandmothers house....
In 1980, Finland’s most famous hypnotist Olavi Hakasalo, a.k.a Olliver Hawk, was put on trial. His mission in life had been to spread the gospel of the power of suggestion, and he was willing to risk everything to become a player of political influence on the big stage. But in the corridors of power, with a nation’s destiny at stake, an eccentric loudmouth sitting on too many secrets is considered a liability....