Brødrene Dal is a Norwegian comedy/sketch-comedy series by Norwegian humour trio KLM, that originally aired as four series in 1979, 1982, 1994 and 2005. A fifth adventure, originally performed on stage in 1997, was edited and released as a movie in 2010. The series bears many similarities to Monty Python's Flying Circus, as the three actors play nearly all the different roles in the series, often multiple roles in each episode. Usually, the series would have a main plot keeping the story and ep...
While digging for a meteor fragment containing Curium 82, a substance that can cure the common cold, the three brothers Dal finds a shining, diamond-like stone. Later, Roms Dal is visited by an alien in a space ship, and receives a ring containing blueprints to an unknown machine. The brothers decide to build the contraption, hoping to find out what it does. When Roms accidentaly triggers its mechanism using the stone, they are off on an exciting time-traveling adventure....
Cutbacks in SAS allows the captain Odd Grenland and 2nd pilot Birger Wom get fired because they are too old. They buy a used aircraft with their own money, and together they start the company Senior Air....
Pelle's father joins an activist group and Pelle has to face up to his father....
A celebration broadcast for Trond Kirkvaag, Knut Lystad & Lars Mjøen which marks 40 years of humor on Norwegian television screens. Knut Lystad and Lars Mjøen talk about the comedian trio's career, and we also get to revisit the best KLM sketches. The presenter is comedian Jon Niklas Rønning....
Forth best-of collection from KLM....
On a dark night, under a full moon, a childless couple find a crying baby on their doorstep and decide to adopt him. As the years pass, they come to discover that their young son is not like other children....
Second best-of collection from KLM....