In a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club series of original shorts, TV reporter Kiriko Nakazaki suddenly finds herself in the world of Kamen Rider Saber. Kiriko and Touma quickly discover they're trapped in a time loop as the Megid always revive after being defeated. Can Saber and Kiriko escape from the loop...?...
TTFC Direct Theater: Kamen Rider Revice is a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club-exclusive web miniseries featuring mostly suit actors doing short one-set stories with plenty of choreographed fighting. Episodes are later released on TTYO....
After the massacre in Ukishima, Saya loses her memory and wanders the slums until she meets Haru, an unlicensed doctor, and Ran, the girl who hunts the Elder Bairns. As her memory returns, she discovers that she had relationships with them both in the past, and secret promises made by the Nanahara clan and her nemesis, Fumito. As Sayo tries to rescue kidnapped Haru, she encounters Fumito again. This feature untold story in the time period between the 2011, 12-episode TV anime created by Product...
Step right up, everybody, the Space Circus Troupe is in town! Their ringleader, Domidoll, wants to turn all Zyumen evil and have them join his circus. However, the Zyuohgers won’t let him! Can the Zyuohgers protect everyone?...
Takeharu Takami (Ryuhei Matsuda) is a bank teller, but he becomes allergic to money. He decides not to use money at all. Takeharu decides to move to a small village in the Tohoku region. There, he encounters residents who are not so easy....