Syndrome is a 2012 South Korean medical drama series, starring Han Hye-jin, Song Chang-eui and Park Gun-hyung. It is set in the world of neurosurgery where a medical student finds herself in a love triangle with two fellow doctors. The television series aired on jTBC from February 13 to April 17, 2012 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 20 episodes....
One day, Hwa Young (Lee Seong Yeon, 3-iron) receives a mysterious parcel labeled "So Hwa 20 Years". In it, she finds an official death notice and some personal belongings of a Japanese soldier. A photo displaying the deceased soldier and a woman catches her attention. The woman on the photo looks just like her! Terrified, Hwa Young throws out the package, but a few days later, the same package reappears....