Bekaboo explores the realms of fairies and demons. The epic story revolves around Rakshas and a Pari, both of whom are unaware of their magical ancestors. What happens after they learn who they really are and what their ancestors' abilities are?...
Firsts is a drama web-series starring Rohan Shah, Apoorva Arora, Urvi Singh and VIRAJ GHELANI. It is created by Nayana Shyam. Firsts is currently streaming at Youtube....
An erotic anthology series exploring different aspects of love, lust and romance....
A talk show hosted by Rajeev Khandelwal....
Qurbaan Hua is an Indian Hindi drama television series which broadcast on Zee TV. It is produced by Full House Media of Sonali Jaffer and Amir Jaffer...
Sufiyaan and Imtiaz are like brothers, and together they run one of the biggest media houses in Manali. But what will happen when they both fall for the same woman- Kainaat? And whom will she choose - a good friend or a bebaak lover?...
When the world starts regarding Gaurav as a loser, he sets off on a journey to prove everyone (and their mothers) wrong....