Etheria is a Filipino fantasy television series that was produced by GMA Network. The full title of the series is Etheria: Ang Ikalimang Kaharian ng Encantadia, referring to Encantadia, its predecessor series. Etheria ran for 50 episodes from December 12, 2005 to February 17, 2006, and then gave way to the telefantasya franchise's next incarnation Encantadia: Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas, which began to air the following February 20. The setting takes place before the events in Encantadia thus it ma...
Magdalena: Anghel sa Putikan is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas and developed by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan, directed by Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It banners Bela Padilla in the title role, with Dion Ignacio as her leading man, Ryan Eigenmann and Pauleen Luna as the main antagonists. The series premiered on October 8, 2012 on GMA Afternoon Prime block replacing Faithfully and October 10, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series is also part of the networks set of show...
Machete is a fantasy Philippine drama produced by GMA Network adapted from a character of the same name created by Pablo S. Gomez. Directed by Don Michael Perez, the show premiered on January 24, 2011 replacing Jillian: Namamasko Po on the GMA Telebabad block. The show is broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV on January 26, 2011, two days after its original release. The series is a remake for the movie with the same title which starred Cesar Montano and Rita Avila and was remade again i...
Biritera or Diva is a Filipino musical drama created by Jun Lana, written by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan and produced and aired by GMA Network. The series headlines Angelika dela Cruz, Dennis Trillo, Glaiza de Castro and singing child star Roseanne Magan in the title role. The story centers to the life of a simple little girl whose dream to become a famous singer. In her quest to become a full-fledged biritera, she will also discover the mystery behind her true identity. Directed by Maryo J. de los...
Panday Kids is a fantasy Philippine drama spin-off from the novel of Carlo J. Caparas. It is produced by GMA Network. This is a television sequel of the 2009 film, Ang Panday which was starred by Bong Revilla. The cast is led by three child stars, Buboy Villar, Julian Trono, and Sabrina Man. The show is part of the GMA 60th Year Celebration Offering....
Te Amo, Maging Sino Ka Man or Te Amo is a Filipino drama television series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. The series headlines Iza Calzado, Jomari Yllana, Angelu de Leon and Argentine actor Segundo Cernadas. It premiered on February 2, 2004 on the network's coveted GMA Telebabad block. From September 16, 2006 until March 1, 2007, the series aired worldwide on GMA Pinoy TV, shown every Saturday with back-to-back episodes. It was re-aired on GMA Life TV from June 23, 2009 to Feb...
Kokey is an ABS-CBN fantaserye which was premiered on Primetime Bida August 6, 2007. It is a show that was greatly criticized because of its one-dimensionality and lack of educational value. Other sources of hostility include potentially harmful acts such as lying with no punishment or scolding from the alien character in order to protect it....
Lobo is Philippine supernatural–fantasy horror TV series produced by ABS-CBN that premiered January 28, 2008 and ran through July 2008. It was top billed by Piolo Pascual with Angel Locsin and was the most expensive teleserye made by ABS-CBN....
A former DEA agent forced into early retirement runs a gift shop in in the Philippines. Despite his best efforts to begin a tranquil new life, he’s pulled back into a world of dangerous people and deadly situations, either through his friends in the local police department or running into people from his old life. And the problem is: he likes it....
NBI agent Anton Dela Rosa discovers that he possesses an innate ability to view crimes from the perspective of a killer accompanied by erratic sociopathic tendencies, just like his serial killer father known as the Cattleya Killer....
Convicted prisoner and former governor, Benjo Malaya, learns the tragic news about his missing family, he is left with no choice but to return to the vicious underworld that he turned his back on, and take on a new mission, this time, as a fixer for the sitting president of the Philippines to stop an impending and civil war....
An undercover agent goes on a dangerous mission to bring down a crime ring. Fueled by a bitter and painful past, he along with his allies faces the grueling task that will challenge his resolve and strength....
Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world....
Owe My Love is the story of a financial illiterate (Sensen) and a miserly but successful doctor (Migs) whose lives unexpectedly intertwine because of the economic impact of the pandemic....
The Half-Sisters is a family drama....
Fiction and reality blur when Leonor, a retired filmmaker, falls into a coma after a television lands on her head, compelling her to become the action hero of her unfinished screenplay....
The story is about four beautiful half-sisters - Isabella, Courtney, Stephanie and Patricia - who have problems in their personal life. Isabella has issues with commitment, Stephanie is having problems with her husband Richard, Courtney's boyfriend Patrick becomes a Born again Christian and Patricia publishes her new sex book much to the dismay of her husband who's having trouble with their relationship as a couple....
The movie Every Breath U Take is a story of a woman looking for love and a man who doesn’t care much about love. Angelica Panganiban plays the role of Majoy, a “virgin-virginan” looking for signs and waiting all these years for her one true love to come. Piolo Pascual plays the role of Leo, a playboy who doesn’t want to take love seriously. They will meet on a Valentine’s Day and love, or something like it, starts to blossom. How far can Majoy go for love? And when will Leo finally admit to hims...
A gang of teenagers accidentally inherits a bag of drugs. They try to sell them back to their original gangster owners, but when that goes awry, they are reluctantly drawn into a protracted and bloody gang war. Meanwhile, they are neglected at home, and must deal with family abuse as well as the gangsters....
Doble Vista begins where the relationship between writer-videographer Javier and Lola, his object of romance, meets its end. The film explores a metafictional treatment taking its influences from Peter Wollen’s definition of CounterCinema as best exemplified by the films of Jean-Luc Godard....
Daniel and Andrea grew up in the same home and have been closer than real brothers and sisters ever since. But her father's goodwill to take in Daniel and bring him up does not sit well with her real older brother, who retaliates one day and kicks Daniel out. But by this time, nothing can come between the deeply in love Andrea and Daniel anymore--until the rich family on whose hacienda they've been working all these years come back. Andrea catches the eye of the rich son, while the daughter fanc...
Melinda Uy is a half-Filipino, half-Chinese struggling mother to four children married to a full-Chinese blood man. Her family was believed to bring curse to Olive's famiily. Because of this, Melinda was not accepted by Uy's family as one of their members. Melinda's struggling as a mother begand when she has nothing else to do but to strive and work more....
Allan and Mia meet in the most unexpected way. They eventually become close, causing their romance to blossom. Faced with huge decisions in life, the two find it hard to fight for their love for each other....
Young Hilario was nearby a rubber tree when it was struck by a meteorite. This incident gave Hilario the powers of elasticity and morphing. To honor his dead parents he vowed to use his powers for good. Hilario grows up and becomes Professor Larry, a teacher in Physics. He transforms into the superhero Lastikman to protect people from injustice and oppression....
With only three months left to live, a cancer patient compiles a list of tasks to complete before she dies....
Bad fortune and strange events plague newlyweds (Cristine Reyes, Carlo Aquino) who recently inherited a condominium located in a place many consider unlucky....
Sam decides to break off her engagement and leave her tumultuous relationship behind after a brief but life-altering experience. She resolves to focus on finding herself, her peace of mind and happiness and in the process she meets Jake, the man of her dreams. Everything seems perfect until she starts experiencing hallucinations and recurring nightmares that prompt her to question her own sanity. The process of self discovery leads Sam to realize how fear and the memories of the past are subcon...
Two girls and a boy of barely legal age are caught having sex on tape. Who are they? Why did they do it? Where are they now? The film draws answers from the urban legends that grew around the controversial sex videos and the result is a humorous narrative with elements of mock documentary. Leo (Ryan Eigenmann) is a 21-year-old co-ed student in a prestigious college. He dreams of making and starring in his own "dirty movie"and becomes obsessed with the idea. Leo eggs his girlfriend Claire (Jennif...
Danny and Jonas are petty crooks whose idea of going big-time is kidnapping the only daughter of a middle-class couple for a ransom price of 50,000 pesos....
A man takes the law into his own hands when his wife's rapists are released from prison on a technicality, only to be possessed by the spirits of the criminals....
Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again....
Three stories, all first times...
Pedro Calungsod, a young Filipino man, leaves his Visayan native roots to join the Spanish Jesuit priest Fr. Diego de San Vitores in his mission to the Marianas Islands (Guam) in 1668. The San Diego Mission arrives in the Marianas where the young Pedro, a trained catechist and mission assistant, begins work for Fr. Diego de San Vitores in baptizing the Chamorro natives, preaching the holy gospel and spreading the good news of salvation through the Christian faith amidst paganism, doubt and disbe...
Former dance instructor Emman Toledo was employed as a dance instructor for a governor’s ball. He finds himself in a passionate love affair with Cedes Fernandez who happens to be engaged to Dylan Evelino son of the governor. The couple finds themselves in a dangerous situation. The Evelino Clan is too powerful that nothing gets in their way to get what they want. Despite her hatred for the dirty politics, Cedes has no choice but to succumb to the decision of Dylan out of her indebtedness towards...
Gene works for the local underworld syndicate but always treats his abductees with kindness. He begins a dangerous affair with ex-bar girl Dolor, who's routinely beaten by her rich husband. When the cops move in on Gene's gang and Dolor's husband winds up dead, the couple flees with the law and their enemies in hot pursuit....
Accused of treason, Dr. Jose P. Rizal awaits trial and meets with his colonial government-appointed counsel, Luis Taviel de Andrade. The two build the case and arguments for the defense as significant events in the central figure's life prior to his incarceration unfold. Upon hearing Rizal's life story, Taviel begins to realize that the accused not just is innocent but exhibits in fact all the qualities of an extraordinary man. When the mock trial unreels, Taviel is all set to act as the prime a...
After a tragedy, a family moves to an isolated house where strange apparitions appear....
Felix Yzagun Manalo is a sprawling historical epic that traces the origin of Iglesia Ni Cristo (The Church of Christ) which is established in the Philippines from its humble beginnings in 1914 through the present day....
In 1898, a band of Spanish soldiers heroically defended Baler against Filipino forces for 337 long and grueling days. The battle, now referred to as the Siege of Baler, is the setting of a forbidden love between a Mestizo soldier and a Filipina lass who lived at the end of the 19th century....
Loving husband Lino is on a mission: his wife, who works as a domestic in Milan, is missing and he's determined to find her. To do so, he enters Italy illegally and takes cover as one of the hundreds of Filipino migrant workers who make their way to Europe....
On the outside, Jennifer's (Patricia) life looks perfect: she's beautiful, rich and she has Jimmy (Ian), a wonderful husband. But, in spite of everything, there remains a wound inside her that refuses to heal. One day, Archie (Ryan) arrives and the serene world of Jennifer and Jimmy comes to a jolt. Archie is Jimmy's friend but he too is the man who, in the past, had broken Jennifer's heart. With Archie around, Jennifer discovers that her incessant pain is caused by her longing for him......
Divided into three "short films", each one pokes fun to a particular genre. Episode 1: Bala Sa Bala, Kamao Sa Kamao, Satsat Sa Satsat. Episode 2: Shake, Shaker, Shakest. Episode 3: Asawa ni Marie....
Two cousins accomplish the final wish of their dying uncle to deliver a brown paper bag to a seedy, run-down hotel crawling with shady characters and retrieve in exchange a mysterious package....
After a killer with garden shears attacks a group of science students during a trip to the woods, the lone survivor comes under suspicion by others at their university. Panic spreads as the killings and disappearances continue on campus....
They are the unlikeliest of tandems. Two men whose only similarity is thier gender. One of them is Roman, a modest bounty hunter whose deftness is unparalleled. The other is Blakdyak, a younger bounty hunter whose mouth is as big as his appetite for money. Their paths cross when both are tasked to find Dannie, the witness in the murder of a deep penetration agent and the key to the arrest of a druglord. Friction arises early on, but both men soon realize that for them to accomplish their mission...
This controversial biopic recalls the events of the 1997 Chiong murder case told from the perspectives of the alleged victims and the Chiong family....
Anak Ng Tinapa (Something Fishy) is a story about a small fish: framing up and killing small fry instead of the "big fish" in a society ruled by sharks. Two crooked cops get a kick out of framing up hapless people by planting illegal drugs on them. Unknown to these rouge policemen, a group of loony and ambitious student filmmakers is watching and documenting their every move. In the end, a brutal killing spree of individuals occurs....
Angelo (Eigenmann) is an orphan who turns into a serial killer. Despite the efforts of rehabilitation, psychological turmoil still haunts and prevents him from living a peaceful and ordinary life. Faced with this reality, Angelo searches for a way to exorcise his personal demons. In the end, he gets his just reward when he crosses paths with a demon that he himself created....
On Christmas eve, four lonely kids are chosen to save Magikland, a fantastic and magical world where all the world’s toys and games come from....