A story that follows three generations of a rich Serbian Christian family in the 19th century in the north of the then Ottoman Empire in the city of Vranje, who are fighting for survival through various moral crises, facing decline. Forbidden love, intrigue, murder, arranged marriages, revenge, friendship and enmity between Serbs, Albanians and Turks and the endangered position of women at that time...
The story of the fate of boys and girls who go to school on the day of the Victory of Fascism on May 9, 1945. The script is based on true events and tells the fate of the children of the victorious and vanquished in a common environment at the end of World War II in Serbia....
Petar Maras, the Belgrade drug lord, is in conflict with Red, the powerful state curator of the Serbian criminal world....
Besa is a strong promise for the Albanians, which must be maintained, even at the cost of living. It is most often used in the form of blood feuds, which is certainly a suitable ground for the action of the series that is in front of us....
A historical fiction drama and thriller set in the turbulent period of the late 1930s in the Balkans as a place where high politics, local interests, capital and crime all merge together....
The main character – philosophy professor Radomir Pavlovic is at the peak of his power when he sets out on that journey – young enough and yet not old enough to understand everything that will befall him on that journey....
A tense psychological drama based on police reports depicts the work and lives of members of the negotiating group of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Serbia, whose work takes place on the border between life and death...
Belgrade, 2003. When Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic is assassinated, the country plunges into chaos, and the authorities' response is to introduce a state of emergency. A turning point in recent Serbian history through the perspective of a journalist, a police officer, and a criminal....
The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also maintains his reputation and influence in Vranje, an important Turkish town near the border with liberated Serbia. While Trifun is preparing his two sons to succeed him as the leaders of the Serbian people, he is suffering not only from powerful Turkish beys, but also from his family. Trifun makes difficult decisions that will later affect his descendants, ...
Five childhood friends from a small Montenegrin town have gradually moved away to different corners of the former Yugoslavia, yet they remain in contact, aware that their long-time friendship continues to play a fundamental role in their lives....
Mr. Stojanovic got his first aid kit stolen... Petar is smoking out the window of his rented room... Mr. Ivanovic has a hearing problem... Luka and Marko are getting into a fight over a football game... Mr. Filipovic is sent by his wife to buy groceries......