St. Girls Square Academy, or Garugaku for short, is a school that raises girls who dream of becoming professional star performers. This school is only open to those who have passed the auditions that have been held around the country. Students who attend here dream of standing on the “Girls Arena”, the gateway to becoming professional performers. However, only one team can stand on that stage...
The Music Kingdom contains musical treasures called Sound Jewels, which together produce the "Song of Blessings." The Sound Jewels are stolen by Maou, who corrupts them into Negative Jewels. Through the Dokudoku-dan, the Negative Jewels are used to turn humans into Negative Jewelers to spread a Negative Aura for Maou to use in his plan to conquer the human world by composing an evil song. In order to recover the Sound Jewels, the goddess of the Music Kingdom sends the Fairy Rhythms; Poppun, Rock...
In an attempt to conquer the world, the Nuisance World has stolen the Majoka Jewels and have corrupted each into an Akiramestone, which interferes with people's dreams and turns them into an Akiramest. Momoka, an ordinary middle school student, is summoned by Mokonyan, a fairy from the Magic World, to join Magic Warriors Rin and Mitsuki and stop the Nuisance World. Together, as MagiMajo Pures, they purelize the Akiramests back into Majoka Jewels with magic....
They'll take back your uncool heart to protect peace! One day cool director Piyoshi Kurosawa offers Phantomirage a sparkling big role! That's right, if this is the case, let's make everyone's heart flutter through the movie! However, Reverse Police's SakaSama found him! The director who is busy with the shoot is turned into an Ikenaier! With that, the movie will no longer be cool!...
This exploration of Japan's fascination with girl bands and their music follows an aspiring pop singer and her fans, delving into the cultural obsession with young female sexuality and the growing disconnect between men and women in hypermodern societies....
The story revolves around the Music Kingdom, a land that contains musical treasures called Sound Jewels, which together produce the “Song of Blessings”. The Sound Jewels are stolen by the Demon King, who corrupts them into Negative Jewels. Through the Dokudoku-dan, the Negative Jewels are used to turn humans into Negative Jewelers to spread a Negative Aura for the Demon King to use in his plan to conquer the human world by composing an evil song. In order to recover the Sound Jewels, the goddess...