The telenovella 'Milo' is a modern musical fairy tale. The series tells the story of Milo, a very talented baker's daughter with a golden voice, who is forced to hide her talent from the outside world. No matter how hard she dreams of a life full of singing and music....
'Familie' is the longest running Belgian soap opera. The Van den Bossches originally had an electronics company, later a holding company that included a clothing chain and a sandwich shop. In the meantime, we closely follow the personal lives of the Van den Bossches and their entourage. Grandma Anna and all her children and grandchildren have been through a lot over time and it doesn't look like their lives will become calmer any time soon....
Jules Claus has embraced Christmas again and is getting ready for the busiest time of the year together with grandpa Noël. Everything seems to go according to plan, until Jules receives a very special letter with an intriguing question......