Kokomi, Saki, and Yotsuba are three middle schoolers and friends who lead different lifestyles. One day, they meet Kumachi, a talking teddy bear who was sent by his master named Phandy to search for the "Gyaku Jewels", a human heart source treasure that can grant wishes. Kumachi later chooses them to become Phantomirage, a Robin Hood styled phantom thieves of justice in order to fight against Reverse Police, a group of bad cops who always arrest good people by turning them into their dark selves...
In an attempt to conquer the world, the Nuisance World has stolen the Majoka Jewels and have corrupted each into an Akiramestone, which interferes with people's dreams and turns them into an Akiramest. Momoka, an ordinary middle school student, is summoned by Mokonyan, a fairy from the Magic World, to join Magic Warriors Rin and Mitsuki and stop the Nuisance World. Together, as MagiMajo Pures, they purelize the Akiramests back into Majoka Jewels with magic....
This work depicts a "five" locked room mystery drama about two high school students, which develops in the first train in the early morning, the family restaurant after school, and the gondola of the Ferris wheel. A word that suddenly changes from everyday life to extraordinary, a psychological warfare on searching each other's minds. Youth, a fragile blue human figure, is depicted in a peculiar situation called a locked room....