Set in Goa, Smoke explores the dark web of drugs, mafia, and power. With the cartels at war, who will survive?...
In September 1897, 21 soldiers of the 36th Sikh regiment of the British Indian Army defend an army outpost at Saragarhi against an attack by over 10,000 Pashtun and Orakzai tribals....
Years after a disastrous job in Baluchistan, a former Indian spy must confront his past when he returns to lead an unsanctioned hostage-rescue mission....
Inspired by Manto's soulful writing, Skin of marble is a poetic take on love and heartache....
A deep dream of a middle aged depressed woman through a space and time between a gap of a single breath, from inhaling a tobaco and breathing it out. Her journey begins by the routine daily life, and continues to her past , where she meets her childhood, the dream will finish by witnessing a near future incident, which she is deciding to bring about....
A notorious thief allies with a street racer for a grand heist involving an elaborate game of deceit with authorities, who have their own dirty secrets....