The story takes place during the weeks before Christmas, in the small mining town of fictitious Granhyttan in Bergslagen, Sweden. One day a suspicious couple, Signe and Orvar, arrives in the small town and retires in an abandoned hut. Nobody knows what they up to; but strange things starts to happen as Staffan finds a gold nugget while playing in a disused mine at the Kråkberget Mountain during a skiing trip with his schoolmates. Staffan believes the nugget is a part of Skarp-Erik's gold, as his...
"The Sleep" - Tired of the touring life the rock star Tommy Cosmo cuts the strings of his guitar, empties his bank account, packs his revolver and takes off to find new values of life ....
Steve works as a locksmith and one day he meets Lotta in his work. After helping her get back into her apartment they decide to see each other again. Though they are dating Steve still goes out with other girls, and in situations like this a big city quickly becomes a small town....
About a girl growing up in a big city in the seventies. She cultivates her artistic ambitions. After a series of relationships, she gets a small part in a play and becomes pregnant....