The series revolves around Erwa, a 40-year-old television writer, whose story begins on the night of Baghdad's fall, to show the historical events and political turns that have occurred from 2003 until now....
When Fardous, Gamil's mother, gets an apartment from a film production company as compensation for mistakenly using her name in a movie, her life changes completely as she becomes a reputable businesswoman and lives with her son and daughter, as well as their spouses, in the apartment....
A Syrian series produced in 2005, which sheds light, in a comic framework, on a relationship between a husband and wife when she holds a responsible administrative position in the same place where he works which leads him to have serious insecurities, and have him confront his toxic masculinity...
Tells a story of corruption in Syria. A minister's son takes advantage of his position and wealth to derail the life of a poor family....
Events of the series take place in a poor neighborhood, shedding light on the lives of its people, especially the life of an illegitimate young man who makes every effort to be helpful to others....
In times when French had control over Syria, the series focuses on Aziza’s that runs a successful choir and who makes a French officer falls in love with her....
A merchant who is waiting with bated breath for the arrival of his new baby, collapses after his wife Wahiba Khanum dies during birth. He faces competition with market traders, but his daughter Qatr El Nada stands beside him. He marries Dalal, but things don't go as expected...
It tells the story of Nassar bin Oraibi, the fighter against injustice, and the series narrates the life of the Damascene neighborhood and the role of the woman whose husband was absent from her during the Hajj, and she became responsible for the house and four daughters until the husband's return....
A girl gets in trouble with society because she always tells the truth, no matter what problems or obstacles it may cost her, but this causes her to incur a lot of injustice....
A journalist working in the same newspaper as her husband, and intellectual conflict arises between them because of the differences between the nature of men and women. The series shows the relationship between the spouses, revealing many attitudes of the “Eastern Man”....
The story of Jamil Al-Homsi, who is shy around women, which explains his wife Hanaa's lack of jealousy. This drives him to invent many ways to make her jealous and force her to pay more attention to him, which gets him into many comedic situations....
Nader is lost between his parents, who are experiencing a struggle between love and hate, Lulia, who is persecuted by her stepmother, Dalal, whose hatred for her stepdaughter reaches the point of attempting murder. Dalal considers Lulia the reason for her unhappiness, but when Lulia leaves her life, she discovers her mistake. Tahseen her husband can only run away from problems and cannot solve any of them....
When Sama's brother falls into debt, she is forced to make an unusual deal: she must fall in love with and marry wealthy shoe designer Malek to save her family....
The journey of Afra and Ribal continues, as the family goes through many situations after the marriage of Maysoun and Nabil, and the new developments that occur to the family in their attempts to stick together....
The events of the series take place through ordinary and passing characters (passengers), who are picked up by Abu Janti taxi by chance, so that the hero catches their stories and comments on them and affects or is influenced by them in the context of his daily movement and pension, and in a mold that tends to wit in most of its area, but it approaches tragedy or crying sometimes, conveying the image of reality The real, with critical sarcasm or cynical pain. The work tries to enter the person...
The series revolves around a poor man who wants to get rich. As he has a dream that he has found a treasure, his social status changes as he goes out every night to abandoned areas and begins digging and goes home by day to rest....
A police captain infiltrates a notorious gang, only to find himself going deeper down the rabbit hole....
The story of an ordinary Syrian family, torn between the idea of staying at home or migrating to a safer country. They eventually decide to leave, but they keep facing different obstacles in each of the separated-connected episodes....
مسرحية استعراضية غنائية مأخوذة عن قصه هالة والملك لفيروز. تحتفل مدينة سيلينا بعيد سنوي حيث يلبس الناس أقنعة, ويمثلون أدواراً في سهرة العيد....
Jamil tries every way possible in order to make her feel jealous but instead lands up in funny situations...