Ku Punya Hati is a 2022 Malaysian television drama series directed by Azmi Hatta, starring Nabil Aqil, Sharifah Rose and Alya Iman. This series starts its premiere on Akasia Slot, TV3 starting 4 August 2022 replacing Risik Pada Hati....
Saida is perfect wife to azim. Saida did not realize that she had been cheated by azim. How will she muster up the courage save her marriage against the storms coused by infidelity?...
Fasting and feasting must have been a big mess when Mama and Papa showed up at Fariz and Ain's house. More headaches as the In-Laws battle out to show their skills....
After the death of her mother and father, Nona lived with her aunt and brother, Bawan. Miss is interested in Anas, an instafamous singer who also studied at the same college as her. However, her friends, Kinah and Mira do not support Nona because for them, Anas will not look at culinary students like those who only look ordinary. But Nona remained with her stand to be friends with Anas and often watched Anas. In fact, Anas also lives in a condominium with his family. Nona and Anas' relationship ...