This series shows a school community's everyday life filled with drama and comedy. The episodes treat public and social issues like teenagers' rivalization or the search of identity....
Shamed by his father's dying words, con man Attila Miklosi tries to go straight but eventually succumbs to pressure from his demanding wife Janka and his boss, Endre Hollos, and returns to his life of crime. When his son tries to follow him into the criminal underworld, Attila questions if he will be able to shield the boy....
The fresh president of Hungary find himself in trouble with taxi drivers. The taxi drives are disappointed in the democracy and protesting against the drasticly raising gas prices. The drivers build blockades all over the capital....
Drawing inspiration from the death-squad murders of several Gypsy families in Hungary in 2008, director Bence Fliegauf's chilling and unforgettable real-life horror story follows a family whose dreams of emigration and escape are suddenly, horribly destroyed....
A young refugee, Aryan, is shot while illegally trying to cross the Hungarian border. While tending him back to health, a doctor at a refugee camp discovers that Aryan has gained an extraordinary talent—he can levitate. Aryan is smuggled out by the doctor, who is intent on exploiting his secret....
The film brings together various everyday and relationship stories from Budapest that at first glance have nothing in common. A sequel to Fliegauf's 2003 film 'Forest'...