The series follows the lives of Juha "Juhis" Koski and Tommi Mäkinen-Renwall as neighbours. The men drift too far in their everyday challenges that lead to excessive outcomes. Unwillingly, Tommi and Juhis often find themselves in awkward and embarrassing situations where they are forced to choose one of two bad options. Tommi's wife and Juhis' good friend Harriet does her best to understand the men's antics....
Follows Riku who decides to infiltrate a rich young elite in order to rob them, suddenly he falls in love with an heiress and starts to enjoy his new lifestyle. However, his old friends, and creditors, want to see money and results....
Oona (20-something) runs a small coffee shop in the heart of hipsteresque Kallio district in Helsinki. Oona’s is not really the classic entrepreneur type: she’s often late to work and throws out customers she dislikes. She’s also constantly in a state of existential crisis over what she should become and whether she’s a somebody or just a nobody. Oona’s best friend is Arttu, a 25 y.o. gay artist-dj-creator-whatever. Together they hate, love, party and cry and try to become adults....
Cold-blooded murders in the Laestadian community of Varjakka take criminal investigators to the heart of guilt and forgiveness over three decades....
Police work, boxing and family life in Lapland! Maria Pudas (Saara Kotkaniemi), a former boxing world champion, investigates crimes with her partner Samu Pajala (Karim Rapatti) in Lapland. The life of Maria's cordial and slightly chaotic family (Iina Kuustonen, Eero Saarinen, Katariina Kaitue and Heikki Ranta) changes when Maria's father Esko has a seizure and it is revealed that he has debts of 500,000 euros. In order to save her family, Maria decides to return to the ring once more, and to res...
A woman who has had enough of anonymous dick pics finds eyeglasses that give her the ability to see which men are the real dicks – but the dicks can also see her....